Migrate & Modernise | Cloud Core.
Coffee or tea?
Cats or dogs?
Bath or shower?
Lift-and-shift or modernise?
Migration to cloud is too often seen as a clear-cut choice like this.
You either:
- Lift-and-shift everything, retaining existing inefficiencies
- Modernise through a long, expensive transformation
🚨 Newsflash. It doesn’t have to be this way.
Yep, you can migrate quickly without compromising architecture, risking technical debt or missing value opportunities.
So, how do you choose the best approach for you?
Don’t worry - it’s not a long, expensive consultancy job. That’s not really our thing.
Nope, we’ve got you covered with a 6-step rapid assessment and roadmap.
I know what you’re thinking: “everyone has a 6-step-something-or-other.”
But not everyone’s 6-step-something-or-other has the Finnair seal of approval.
So, like Finnair, in 2 weeks you could have a full TCO assessment.
And in 4 weeks, you could have a migration strategy that would:
📉 Deliver double-digit TCO reduction
💨 Get out of the data centre in 7 months
🚀 Set up to maximise ongoing value from cloud
Did I mention it was a hit with Finnair?
In their words: "Nordcloud stood out. They were cloud-native, were big enough to scale the way we needed and were totally agile."
*Takes moment to bask in the glow of such high praise*
🛫 36,000-foot-high praise, if you will.
Back to the question of ‘how do you choose the right approach?’
For tech leaders looking to migrate applications or boost stalling migration projects, we believe our 6-step rapid assessment and roadmap is the fastest and easiest way to find the right strategy. It goes like this:
- Discovery meeting
- Technical discovery
- Evidence-based business case
- Application discovery
- R-lane selection
- Migration roadmap
I won’t dive into these right now, but you can find out more about each of them in this handy migration treasure map.
We’ve been talking about this with real tech leaders recently.
At our Running in Cloud event, there were 3 common migration issues that came up:
- No one really understands the systems and applications
- People focus on tech rather than strategy
- They don’t define security requirements until migration has started
See more about what they were saying here.
In short, they agreed the assessment phase was the key to addressing and solving these issues. (Remember to check out the treasure map and see what we mean).
Cloud quote of the month
“Being able to run analytic queries on large datasets and visualise meaningful insights has been crucial to grow from 0 revenue in 2017 to 1.3 million paying subscriptions by the end of 2022.”
Have you seen these stories out there?
💰 Costs. More about this next month, but the Basecamp story is worth a read
✈️ Outage outrage in aviation, and why it’s time to open that black box
👊 Prepare to have some of those cloud myths busted by our experts
🤨 Bad clouds: An Elon-shaped one in the Texan desert
😯 Digital transformation doesn’t work, apparently
🧐 So, analog transformation is the future
🐢 AWS vs Google - Which is greener?
Important thoughts from real people:
Applying for an IT job - 8 ways women & men behave differently
Podcast: Gender diversity in IT
Some dates for your diary:
11 May - Webinar: Get more from Finops
11 May - Stockholm: AWS Summit: Cocktails in the Clouds
16-17 May - Munich: Automotive Europe 2023
Thanks for reading,
I’ll be back with more fresh thoughts next month.
Get in Touch.
Let’s discuss how we can help with your cloud journey. Our experts are standing by to talk about your migration, modernisation, development and skills challenges.