Cloud Centre of Excellence

Organisation (CCoE) Design.

Build the capabilities to drive cloud value
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Make Your Business a Cloud Business.

Set up your organisation in the right way to drive real benefits and outcomes.

Organisation design outlines how to set up the people, processes and technologies to form a coherent cloud organisation which will drive the anticipated benefits and outcomes. Part of this is building out a Cloud Centre of Excellence (CCoE). This centralises cloud competencies to provide a shared service feeling, rather than having pockets of experience spread across the business.

Nordcloud Advisors can design your cloud organisation, embedding best practice and driving sustainable cloud adoption. We also empower your teams, nurturing them as we navigate the implementation journey. That way, your champions are engaged in and driving the change. After all, cloud is more than just new technology, it’s a culture change, encompassing new operating models and governance, too.

Organisation Design centres around three key elements: Governance, Brokerage and Community.


Codify your new operating model

We help you build best-practice organisation structures with the right governance, policies, guidelines, technical strategies and tools. Our popular cloud training and coaching helps embed an agile/DevOps culture. That way there’s a common framework underpinning your operating model – and you can scale in an efficient, cost-effective way.

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Use partnerships to drive value

Cloud success requires a symbiotic relationship between in-house teams and external partners. We help you develop your cloud processes and working practices, so everyone works cohesively to drive value.

Nordcloud cloud services


Build a culture of collaboration and knowledge-sharing

The CCoE helps manage change from the inside out, facilitating knowledge and code sharing, training and collaboration. That way, the organisation has an agile network for troubleshooting, testing and cooperation. Nordcloud experts help you embed and spearhead best practices, so you build a community eager to capitalise on the cloud.

CCoE Main Page

Let's talk about CCoE.

Connect with our CCoE experts to discuss how we can help with your cloud journey – migration, modernisation, development and upskilling.

Ilja Summala
Ilja’s passion and tech knowledge help customers transform how they manage infrastructure and develop apps in cloud.
Ilja Summala LinkedIn
Group CTO