Join the top 3% of enterprises growing their business the cloud-native way.
Whether you’re looking to streamline operations, leverage AI or scale with confidence, we’ll help you navigate every step.
To give a taste, we’ve helped customers:
- Launch a cloud foundation in 3 weeks
- Exit the data centre in 6 months
- Cut cloud costs by up to 40%

Our Offices.
Nordcloud B.V.
Johan Huizingalaan 765,
1066 VH Amsterdam
Nordcloud ApS
Amager Fælledvej 106
2300 København S
Nordcloud Hosting Sweden AB
c/o Technopolis
Johan Willins Gata 6
416 64 Göteborg
Nordcloud Oy
Pohjoisesplanadi 37A
00100 Helsinki
Nordcloud Oy
Innova 2
Lutakonaukio 7
40100 Jyväskylä
Nordcloud Oy
Microkatu 1
M-building, Novapolis
70150 Kuopio
Nordcloud Ltd
20 York Road
London SE1 7ND
Nordcloud Hosting Sweden AB
Stortorget 11
211 22 Malmö
Nordcloud Deutschland GmbH
Highlight Towers
Mies-van-der-Rohe-Straße 6
80807 München
Nordcloud AS
Aker Brygge Business Village
Office no. 18, 3rd floor
Grundingen 6
0250 Oslo
Nordcloud sp. z o.o.
Kupiec Poznański, 5th floor
Plac Wiosny Ludów 2
61-831 Poznań
Nordcloud Oy
Salo IoT Park Oy
Joensuunkatu 7
24100 Salo
Nordcloud Hosting Sweden AB
Drottninggatan 68, 5th floor
111 21 Stockholm
Nordcloud Austria GmbH
Obere Donaustraße 95
1020 Wien
Nordcloud sp. z o.o.
Spaces Wroclavia
Sucha 3
50-086 Wrocław
Nordcloud Switzerland GmbH
Grafenauweg 8
6300 Zug