Control IT Spend.

Transform the perception of IT from a cost centre into a value driver

Affordable, Scalable, Secure.

We help you manage IT costs while delivering more value

Reducing IT spend is a primary driver for many Nordcloud clients adopting cloud. Inefficient legacy solutions, slow time to market, compatibility issues, security breaches, downtime – they all cost time and money.

You can reduce those costs with the right cloud strategy.

We help you leverage the scalability, automation and availability of the public cloud. Not only does it help manage costs, but you get additional savings from operational efficiency and speed to market. Whether it’s migrating data centremodernising applications or developing digital services – we help you maximise value.

As one client said: “The result of the cloud migrations is a much faster time to market for developing new services, as well as more than 50% in yearly savings from the infrastructure and related services.”

Content Hub.

Want to become the next cloud ninja? Welcome to the go-to online hub for tech leaders who want the latest insights on all things cloud.

Why Nordcloud?

Reduce risk

Better, faster results

We’re cloud pioneers with a 100% cloud heritage. We have a proven track record helping teams evolve from legacy technologies and working practices. You get bigger, faster, more sustainable savings because cloud natives are guiding your journey.

Migrate to cloud

Value-driven approach

We’re commercially focused, using proprietary tools and technologies that help you maximise the cost savings and value potential of the cloud. From technology to training, from design to DevOps, you get the support needed to capitalise on cloud benefits.

Objective advice

We’re a leading partner for all 3 public cloud platforms – Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services. Because we’re platform neutral, you get impartial advice that accounts for your entire tech stack – and is based on your best interests.

Agility Empowers Innovation.

Drive value by building and scaling new ideas

Cost management is important, but value is essential. We help you leverage the public cloud to build digital services and extract more from data. That way, IT is creating new opportunities to drive revenue. Our clients have described this aspect of a Nordcloud partnership as “transformative”: “The project led to savings of both time and money. But the most important outcome was that we could replicate our system everywhere in the world, launch in new markets and achieve our goals for international growth.”

Meet Klarity, Nordcloud’s own FinOps tool.

Put your cloud cost management on autopilot

From accurate cost allocation to identifying unmanaged resources and minimising overprovisioning – Nordcloud Klarity is your FinOps enablement tool.

Get complete visibility of resources and spend across your clouds and hybrid environments, with features like automatic showbacks, in-built best practice FinOps KPIs and saving suggestions.


Get in Touch.

Let’s discuss how we can help with your cloud journey. Our experts are standing by to talk about your migration, modernisation, development and skills challenges.

Ilja’s passion and tech knowledge help customers transform how they manage infrastructure and develop apps in cloud.
Ilja Summala LinkedIn
Group CTO
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