European Health Insurance Provider.

A fully managed cloud system for precision and certainty in a heavily regulated industry.

  • Customised operating models for different needs
  • Enabled seamless transition post-migration
  • Centralised platform for straightforward management

Project Summary.

Project background.

A leading European health insurance provider wanted a centralised, compliant, fully-managed environment that could host both its cloud infrastructure and its infrastructure needs.


It had disparate cloud pieces, a lack of time and resources to devote to this internally, and a highly skilled team trained in traditional IT techniques, as opposed to cloud transformation. 

So the original RFP was for cloud managed services and a partner, not just a provider. It needed a managed service partner with a cloud landing zone to facilitate the landing of its core applications.

This is because it needed a technology upgrade, but also the hands-on experience and guidance to install and manage it, as well as help for the existing team to make best use of it going forward.

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Cloud Priorities.

The aims were to streamline operations; save time, cost and resources; and stay one step ahead of the competition. The company needed a provider with these kinds of capabilities.


If the company had a cloud issue, they wanted it noticed, responded to and solved immediately – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In a heavily regulated industry, maintaining a stable Azure environment is incredibly important


The company wanted a cloud-native partner that’s both laser focused on public clouds and has a specific, in-depth knowledge of cloud technologies.


They understood that cloud transformation isn’t a finite solution, it’s an ever-evolving journey. So needed cloud management that is agile enough to answer both its immediate and future challenges.


Tailored operating model

Managed services were integrated from the outset, to enable a seamless transition post-migration.

Weekly technical sessions give the company advice and guide them through cloud decisions and topics, such as security best practices.

Managed services

We identified the functions, roles and staff needed to take the company’s cloud journey forwards.

So the company is both ahead of the game now and already prepared for what will happen next.

Cloud strategy

We identified the functions, roles and staff needed to take the company’s cloud journey forwards.

So the company is both ahead of the game now and already prepared for what will happen next.

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Microsoft Azure


Nordcloud’s fully integrated, managed cloud environment has enabled the health insurance provider to remain a technological frontrunner. The company’s operations continued seamlessly and without interruption, as its systems streamlined exponentially behind the scenes. 

Using Microsoft best practices, Nordcloud provides a centralised platform for the managed service team to streamline cloud and hybrid estates in areas such as OS images, patching and back-up.

And Nordcloud’s regular face-to-face interactions create tangible touchpoints that allow the health insurance provider’s teams to troubleshoot, evolve and strategise, so they can future proof both their systems and their operations. 

The environment created and managed by Nordcloud has generated a legacy of stability, clarity and insight that is both fit for today and ready for tomorrow.

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Let’s discuss how we can help with your cloud journey. Our experts are standing by to talk about your migration, modernisation, development and skills challenges.

Ilja Summala
Ilja’s passion and tech knowledge help customers transform how they manage infrastructure and develop apps in cloud.
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Group CTO