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Control your environment with Azure policy
Building a secure environment is one of the most important aspects of the Public Cloud.

General availability of VNet service endpoints for Azure SQL database
This month, Microsoft announced the general availability of Virtual Network Service Endpoints for Azure SQL Database in all Azure regions.

AWS Fargate – Bringing Serverless to Microservice
Microservices architecture has been a key focus for a lot of organisations in the past few years.

Persisting Docker Volumes in ECS using EFS
- using EFS as a means to persist your Docker Volumes in your ECS cluster

How to set up an Azure AD identity provider in AWS Cognito
This post describes step-by-step how to set up an AWS Cognito User Pool with an Azure AD identity provider to allow your application to leverage single sign-on with Azure AD.

If your cloud formation deployments are failing, this is why
The latest version of aws-cfn-bootstrap package aws-cfn-bootstrap-1.4-25.17.amzn1.noarch that was signed November 2 around 21:00 UTC changed how cfn-signal works.

Keeping up with the latest skills: AWS IoT, Polly, and Rekognition
Improving skills and know-how around the ever-expanding technology selection in modern IT environment

Everything you needed to know about spot instances
In this blog, we'll take you through what Spot instances are and how they differentiate from Reserved instances.

App Service environment isolated: Making security & internal network connectivity easier and cheaper
Azure App Services is arguably the most popular Azure PaaS service, allowing you to host Web Sites and App Functions in a fully managed service.

How to create stateful clusters in AWS
With stateful clusters, the idea is to create storage and network interface before a VM is created.

How can I decrease my costs? Enable centralised billing using AWS organisations
AWS Organizations provides policy-based management for AWS accounts.

AWS Lambda@Edge: Running Lambda code in Edge locations
AWS has recently introduced Lambda@Edge which gives you the possibility to run Lambda code in Edge locations. What does it mean for CloudFront users and what can you achieve with it?

How to fully automate retrieving TLS certificates with Kubernetes
Writing Kubernetes controllers when problems arise

5 Things To Know When Starting To Use DynamoDB & NoSQL Databases
What is DynamoDB and how can you use it?