Azure Advanced Analytics.
Increase the value return on your data estate using Nordcloud and Azure Synapse Analytics
Do you want to Improve The Cost To Value Ratio Of Your Data Estate? We Can Help.
There’s no one-size fits-all approach to database migration. We help you find the best strategy based on your business objectives.
Get the most out of your data estate and Microsoft Azure through our in depth webinar that has been designed to save you both time and money. We will teach you the best way to build, test, deploy and manage your applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centres.
Do these challenges sound familiar?
High costs
Do you have multiple independent data areas solving the same issue, i.e. access to data?
Do your users have issues finding and getting access to timely data?
Do you have issues ensuring compliance and data security with the different data silos within your organisation?
The Solution.
Data Estate Modernisation on Azure by Nordcloud
We help you define a data governance model to meet your business and compliance objectives and implement it using Azure Synapse Analytics. Azure Synapse Analytics provides a single point of access for data ingest, transformation and analytics with a serverless query engine that easily scaling to your needs on a pay-per-use basis.
Azure Data Analytics Journey
Azure Synapse Analytics
Why could this be so valuable to your business?
Improved data capabilities
Improved discovery and ease of use for consuming data assets for business needs.
Reduced risk, improved compliance
Improved visibility on the available data assets and utilisation
Improved cost efficiency and flexibility
Reduced data engineering workload, focus on value extraction. Automatically scale to your needs on a pay-per use basis, pay for value
How can you get started?
2 Days Database Migration Assessment Workshop
Understand the current database setup and the business drivers for modernisation. Identify the optimal solution to migrate and modernise the database engine to a managed database and plan a roadmap for executing the initiative.
3 Days Application Modernisation Assessment Workshop
Dive deep into an application that needs to be modernised due to e.g. current costs or development needs. Define a target application and database architecture to meet the business objectives for the application and plan a roadmap for the modernisation initiative and changing the underlying database engine.
4 Day Data Starter Workshop
The Data Genius and Enablement workshops combined to cover both data operations and business use cases in one package.
Get in Touch.
Microsoft Azure facilitates easy, consistent and reliable cloud access, which lets you respond quickly to your business’s ebb and flow, saving you both time and money. Once you are able to use Azure to its full potential, it will be easier than ever before to manage production, testing and deployment of web applications that scale as quickly as your business.