Cloud Computing News #6: Cloud Governance is key to success in the cloud.

Blog Post • 3 min read
This week we focus on cloud governance and cloud competence.

One third of mid-market companies have no IT governance strategy

According to a recent report by Deloitte that surveyed 500 executives in the mid-market and private segments, one-third of executives reported having little to no formal IT governance processes in place. Companies cite a lack of resources (26%), cost (21%), and a lack of C-suite understanding of the importance of IT governance (19%) as the top factors preventing them from creating such policies.

Company leaders are concerned about gaps in IT management oversight and governance that may create new vulnerabilities, the report found. 50% ranked IT governance processes and principles among the top three areas of concern for their business.

The report gives 6 tips for companies to mitigate IT-related risks.

Read more in TechRepublic

Cloud enablement, governance and strategy at Nordcloud

Our Cloud Enablement Services help your organisation to take advantage of the public cloud. We have a number of cloud advisors at Nordcloud, who are on hand to assist our customers with their journey to the cloud.

Read more about our services here or contact us here.

Fastest route to cloud adoption is to form a Cloud Competence Center

Fastest route to cloud adoption – reducing the time it takes you to get your products to market and future proofing your public cloud usage – is to form a Cloud Competence Centre.

For companies to fully realise the benefits the cloud has to offer, and free up valuable developer time, a Cloud Competence Centre is the ideal way to efficiently leverage public cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google.

Nordcloud’s team of expert cloud architects will ensure that your development & operations teams are seamlessly operating as one, providing support for cloud platform development & support for project on-boarding, by focusing on five key areas: Cloud Customer On-boarding, Cloud Infrastructure and Platform Developments, Cloud Enviroment Developments, and Architecture and DevOps Support.

Read more in our blog post

Set up a Cloud Competence Center to address Cloud Governance needs

Strong governance policies are key to cloud success.

The cloud provides a wide set of tools to extract many of the things that required a lot of work in the past. This includes managed databases, managed load balancers, virtual networking etc. At the same time, the Cloud Platform itself has to be managed in some way and certain questions need to be asked. How do we design our AWS Account or Azure Subscription structure? How do we provide and monitor access to these environments? How is networking managed? Should we have a baseline for security components across the environments?

Managing a cloud platform requires ownership, typically seen in a Cloud Owner and a Cloud Steering Group. It also requires a centralised function to onboard cloud customers, do cloud platform development and maintain best practices for cloud deployments.

Setting up a Cloud Competence Centre addresses exactly these needs. When you provide the teams a service that speeds up their work and makes their journey to the cloud easier, there will be less Shadow IT and more consistent, secure and automated environments across all business units.

Read more in our recent blog post

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Ilja’s passion and tech knowledge help customers transform how they manage infrastructure and develop apps in cloud.
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