Is Your Cloud Strategy Atomistic Or Holistic?

Blog Post • 2 min read
Who is driving the cloud initiative, really? The start of any cloud journey is getting all stakeholders to come to a consensus on the goals of cloud transformation. As a Business Leader, this one of the 6 most important Cloud Conversations you should be having in the corner office. A popular phrase we still hear today is “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts”. You can debate if this quote came directly from Aristotle or was influenced by his writings in Metaphysics 8.6, but what can’t be debated is the truth behind it.

"As business leaders move past parts-driven cloud adoption, it’s imperative that they lead the change as a whole."

In the realm of cloud strategies and digital transformations, it carries equal weight. Every business has cloud on their mind these days and most have already began using cloud in some way, shape, or form. More than likely, initial adoption of cloud (or SaaS) has been with a parts mentality. That is, individual teams are solving individual problems. On the upside, teams are reaping siloed benefits, but the downside is just that – they are working in isolation. This might be great for that team or business unit, but a far cry from a company-wide cloud transformation. As business leaders move past parts-driven cloud adoption, it’s imperative that they lead the change as a whole. Only as a whole, can a company truly evolve to:
  • Reimagine the customer experience
  • Bring new services and products to market faster
  • Outpace the competition
  • Drive greater shareholder value
  • Radically improve internal processes
At Nordcloud, we live and breathe this every day—it’s the very essence of how work with our customers. Yes, the cloud technologies you chose are utterly important. Yes, pilot projects need to happen. But that is not where we start. Our cloud transformations start with the leadership teams, not the IT teams. In the corner office, not the server room. Captured with the eBook 6 Cloud Conversations Leadership Teams Need to Own, you will learn how to drive a cloud strategy as a whole, not as parts. After exploring six commonly overlooked and shortchanged business conversations (and downstream actions for teams), you will know how to develop a top-down, success metrics-driven cloud strategy, where all constituents are involved and incented.

Get in Touch.

Let’s discuss how we can help with your cloud journey. Our experts are standing by to talk about your migration, modernisation, development and skills challenges.

Ilja Summala
Ilja’s passion and tech knowledge help customers transform how they manage infrastructure and develop apps in cloud.
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